What’SUP? My 5 Top Tips for Being Stand Up Paddle #BoardReady

I don’t know about you but—while I’m thrilled our reservoirs are full, the Sierra snow pack is packed, and we might finally get to say #goodbyedrought in CA—I’m ready to stand up paddle! There, I said it! Bring on the “board meetings” as my long-time friend Jenn would say.

Thankfully,  this past weekend, we got a little break between storms and officially welcomed in the spring on our SUPs. My Cal Berkeley bestie Alicia and I took our boards out—I have an iRocker and to say I love it is an understatement. Together we launched from the Marina on Grand Avenue into the waters of the Isle of Style (aka. Alameda), paddled around Coast Guard Island and ended with our favorite post-paddle activity—breakfast at Mosely’s Cafe.

#BoardReady—In anticipation of seeing you all on the water, here are some of my favorite ways to get SUP-ing this Spring.

Tip 1—  Check Your SUP + Accessories!

Since I store my board in a dry area under my house, I felt pretty sure I wouldn’t need to do too much to get it ready.  Prior to packing it up this winter, I cleaned it, wiped it down, and rolled it dry on a clean surface (tarp laid out in my backyard).  So, when the weather offered us a paddling opportunity, I took it out of the board bag and rolled it out—making sure I had all the pieces (fins, leash, clean towel, shammy, waterproof iPhone case, paddles, hand pump and life jacket).  My friend and paddler, Dominique, also gifted me a cup holder, which  joined the line up this year—both fun and functional.

Side note—During a paddle in Yosemite last year, I snagged my middle fin and lost it in the Merced River. I quickly got a replacement and the main fin, along with the two smaller fins, were all in great condition.

(Pictured Left to Right: My SUP, my board bag + paddle, and my pal Alicia!—Go Bears!)

Tip 2— Do a Double Take!
Even though my board was cleaned and well stored in my basement, I still wanted to give everything a once over: checking the straps, the condition of the board, my handles, the paddles, etc., because the last thing you want to do is arrive at your destination and find out something is broken, leaking, mis-placed or gone! This step is highly recommended!

Tip 3—Suds Up for “Don Ho Tiny Bubbles!”

I always do a six-month leak check, which is pretty easy.  Just inflate your board to at least the minimum PSI (mine is 14), and then get a bucket of soap and warm water—you’ll use this to clean your board. While you are cleaning the board, keep an eye out for “tiny bubbles” as these indicate a possible leak. I usually pay close attention to all the seams as that’s where you may find a tear or leak or other damage.  Luckily, since I packed it well and checked it before putting it in storage for the winter, my board was just fine. Wheh! (Note: I also carry a patch kit in my board bag just in case).

Tip 4Sweata Weatha is a No Go!

Check the conditions where you plan to paddle—both on the water and in general.  I know this sounds pretty  basic, but the weather in NorCal has been pretty wild and not at all predictable. On one single afternoon in March, we had sun, rain, wind, lightning, thunder, hail and sleet! 

Tip 5—Go for it!  Once you’ve gone through your checklist, get on the H20 and have a great adventure! My SUP goal is to paddle in all 50 states (Nine so far and adding).  I find there’s nothing quite like a good SUP!

Dana Young paddling on Ladybird Lake in Austin Texas

I’d love to hear from other paddlers and get your top tips as well as recommendations on where to paddle—next adventures for me: Morro Bay (CA), Sedona (AZ) and Portugal! Follow me on IG @TheItalianSUPer 


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