About Dana Young

PR Pro / Ideator / Storyteller / Brand Builder / Media Strategist / Entrepreneur + Intrapreneur /Upcycler /Naturally Caffeinated
…and always an Adventurer!

There’s a bumper sticker I got while working at Yahoo! (Lids4Kids promotion). I take it with me and place at every desk, in every cubicle and on every countertop I work at— it reads: “If it’s not fun, why do it?!” And, it’s become my motto.

I am a versatile communications professional with a proven track record for building brands, developing communications strategies and creating impactful business relationships. More energy than the energizer bunny—or so I’ve been told on numerous occasions—I also have a unique ability to continuously ideate and drive creative collaboration across teams and industries, delivering consistently high-level coverage and results.

I’ve been writing for most of my life—from poetry in grade school and earning a BA in communications in college to submitting creative briefs in law school and putting my passion into practice with more than 25 years in public relations. When not getting ink for the brands I collaborate with, I am on a quest — @TheItalianSUPer — to stand up paddle (SUP) in all 50 states. (My current state count = eight + a few international destinations.) I am also the BarfBagBlogger, so rest easy if you’re queasy and enjoy travel tips captured on—what else—airline barf bags.

In addition to scribbling my thoughts on yack sacks and paddling around the US, I run half marathons, travel with my triplets and husband (who are mixed Hawaiian), and enjoy a good Pinot Noir— though not necessarily all at the same time! My bucket list includes: becoming fluent in Italian by Fall 2023, owning a 1965 Mustang convertible, spending a month in Europe (October ‘23), and filling my "island" with Jimmy Fallon, JT, Paul Rudd, Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, John Legend, Selena Gomez, Trevor Noah, Jo Koy, Erin and Ben Napier, Julie Foudy, Brandi Chastain & Tom Holland (Zendaya—you can join too!).